Examples of False Claims Act Violations

Examples of False Claims Act violations show the penalties are enormous. But do examples do us any good? It depends on the situation. Many times people learn far better by example than anything else. When you are trying to learn the tango, watching a couple dance with passion teaches more than any book. But when…

Can a False Claims Act Law Firm Protect Their Client’s Identity?

One of the most important steps in blowing the whistle on fraud is finding a False Claims Act law firm that knows the tricks of the trade. Think of a new restaurant opening in New York City. If the owner knows the details about design and atmosphere, as well as providing great tasting food, it…

The Reality of False Claims Act Criminal Penalties

Are you wondering about False Claims Act criminal penalties? In life we know actions have consequences. If you work out for the first time, your muscles feel the strain. If you celebrate too much, a headache is in store the next day. What about companies who defraud the government by charging crazy prices for basic…

What Are the False Claims Act Statistics When It Comes to Prosecution?

Why is it important to look at the False Claims Act statistics for prosecution? Many things in life are a gamble. Every good gambler knows you need to play the odds if you’re going to have a chance of winning. When you are considering whether you should report fraud against the government, you’re making a…

When to Report Fraud When You Are Aware of Fraud

When to report fraud is a question you may be facing if you are aware of it happening but aren’t directly involved. If you don’t report it, will you be in trouble? There are a lot of unknowns in the world of whistleblowing and fraud. It’s time to dig into it for some insight and…

Is the False Claims Act of 1986 Still Relevant Today?

Are you trying to get your facts straight about the False Claims Act of 1986? Keep reading to get the information you need to know. The False Claims Act of 1986 is an amendment to the original False Claims Act, which dates back to Civil War days when suppliers to the Union Army were defrauding…

Can I Bet My Life on the Whistleblower Protection Policy?

Need to know more about whistleblowing or the whistleblower protection policy? If you are in the beginning stages of researching, the information can seem complex overwhelming. Let’s break it down for you so you can learn more about the protection in place should you decide to move forward with a whistleblowing case. Whistleblowing is the…

What Steps Should Be Taken to File a False Claims Act Complaint?

In order for your False Claims Act complaint to have the best chance of intervention from the government, it’s critical to take the correct measures as you move through the reporting process. First, let’s cover what makes up a False Claims Act complaint and then address the necessary steps you should take to file your…

How Are False Claims Act Violations Handled by the Court System?

The idea of filing a case against False Claims Act violations can be pretty intimidating. Worrying about retaliation on the job is frightening. Even though the law protects against retaliation such as job loss or losing a promotion, the fear is real. Retaliation can take place, and you need the law to assert your rights…

How Do I Prepare for a Meeting With False Claims Act Attorneys?

Preparing for a meeting with False Claims Act attorneys is a big item on your to-do list if you think you may have a whistleblowing case. It’s important that you carefully prepare before you walk into the office. Read on to learn what you can expect from the meeting and how you should plan for…